Vignetting in a photograph was previously considered a lens attribute or a lens defect inasmuch as the lens cannot transmit light equally to all parts of the frame most especially on the edge corners. Wide angle lenses are more prone to vignetting inherently due to lens design where light fall off on the corners of the frame is a natural occurrence. With the advent of photo editing softwares like PhotoShop, creating vignettes in a photo is now a breeze. Vignetting is now used mainly for creative effects of drawing attention to the center of the frame.
The photo above, taken at the Harbour Square near Manila Yacht Club along Roxas Boulevard in Manila, is an illustrative example of how a vignetting looks like. It was post processed in PhotoShop CS2 version.
Shown below is another post processed example of vignetting. On PhotoShop, go to Filters --> Distort --> Lens Correction and play with the Vignette slider.

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